Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fast Weight Loss

While there’s no such thing as the perfect diet, there are key foods that research has shown can help you lose weight. These foods work in different ways and for different reasons, but all have in common that people who eat them as part of a weight loss plan lose more weight faster than those who don’t. Here are 5 foods shown in recent studies to help the pounds come off more quickly. More foods to come as the studies come out.
i. Pistachios
These nuts are the perfect snack for the weight-conscious because they’re high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Don’t be fooled by the “fat” label, either; the fat in pistachios is unsaturated fat, the brain- and heart-healthy type.
Calorie counts are misleading too; not all calories are created equal.Researchers from the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition followed two groups of people on identical low-calorie diets for 12 weeks. One group ate 240 calories worth of pistachios as their afternoon snack,  the other ate 220 calories worth of pretzels. The BMI (body mass indexes) of the pistachio group showed more improvement, and their cholesterol and triglyceride levels dropped as well. While shelled pistachios are more convenient, the longer amount of time required to shell them yourself makes the snack more satisfying.

Monday, December 19, 2011

How To Lose Weight Fast - Top Weight Loss Tips

How To Lose Weight Fast? That will help you to lose body fat fast and these easy ways to lose weight will cost you free. Many people struggle to shed weight not because they don't have knowledge on what to do but because they go about it the wrong way. So DOn't go in a wrong way. Follow through these quick ways to lose body fat till the end of this article and start burning fat now! Lets start now See below:

What are the best tips to lose weight fast?
I am going to show you completley ways to lose weight fast that you can start implementing in your weight loss program. You may have heard of some of these tips to reduce weight but i would like to emphasize that all the tips are important and you should take them seriously for maximum weight loss fast results.
You need to understand that the Big secret to weight loss fast is burning more calories than you consume everyday, this is one of the fastest and popular way to lose weight very fast you will find anywhereon web. By now in your weight loss journey you know that one of the best fast ways to burn fat is to watch what you are eating. The food you eat can either make you fat or thin so for maximum weight loss fast results, it is imperative that you keep a close eye on what foods you eat daily.
Top 3 ways to lose weight fast!
1. The first way to lose weight quick is to watch what you eating daily and replace all unhealthy foods with organic and raw or healthy foods. You need to understand that the types of foods you eat can either make you fat or thin and one of the easy ways to lose weight fast is to burn more calories than you consume daily. So if you consume high nutrient low calorie foods on a daily basis, you will see those scale numbers drop. In order to achieve maximum weight loss with food intake, you need to know which foods help to burn fat and which foods are don't. Keep a food journal if you can note and write everything you eat daily. If your journal if filled with plenty of junk foods and carbonated drinks and sodas, then you will a good idea of which foods are making you fat and also making it  very hard to lose weight easily. The easy ways to lose weight fast with food intake is to consume raw foods and avoid carbonated drinks and sodas.
2. Remember that what your weight loss fast goals are to stay motivated, another great tip on the easy ways to lose weight fast so that you don't fall out of your goals. This journey will not be easy and there will be plenty of setbacks along the way such as cravings for sweets or just cheating on your meal plan. One of the most important advice to lose weight fast and stay lean is to find a mentor or support group. Just the thought of knowing that you are not going through it alone can help you stay motivated. You can join a local gym, weight loss support group or if you are completely shy you can join an online weight loss forum where people discuss so many things related to their weight loss.It will give you an opportunity to share your own experiences, frustrations and achievements.
3. The third way to lose weight fast is to drink plenty of water daily. You may already know this but are you doing it? Water helps to flush out all those toxins from your body and helps improve your metabolism. Experience also shows that water helps to make you feel fuller and energized. This is one of the easiest ways to lose weight as water contains zero calories and it helps to curb cravings as you will be feeling full. Drink at least 8 full glasses of water daily for maximum results. One of the low cost ways to lose weight fat is replacing all those carbonated drinks and sodas which are high in calories (sugar) and replacing them with water.